Article 7215
Title of the article |
Authors |
Andrianova Valeriya Valer'evna, Candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor, sub-department of civil law disciplines, Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics (49 Losinoostrovskaya street,
Moscow, Russia),
Index UDK |
Abstract |
Background. On the 22nd of December 2008 there was passed the Fderal Law № 262-FZ «On provision of access to the information on the courts’ activity in the Russian Federation», which establishes the bases of provision of people’s access to the information on courts’ activity, determines the principles of interaction between courts and mass media. The concept of the federal target-oriented program “Development of the Russian judicial system in 2013–2020” has set the goal to implement modern information-communication technologies into the court system as soon as possible, which allow to form an innovative approach to its development, as well as to improve the quality and term of justice administration.
Materials and methods. The article analyzes the Federal law from 22.12.2008 № 262-FZ (edition from 12.03.2014) «On provision of access to the information on the courts’ activity in the Russian Federation», as well as the Decree of the Plenary session of the RF Supreme Court from 13.12.2012 № 35 «On openness and publicity of legal proceedings and on access to the information on courts’ activity», examines electronic services, designed to improve accessability and openness of justice in the susyem of arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction. The work also analyzes people’s right to access the information on courts’ activity in the Russian Federation, describes implementation of modern information technologies into the judicial system.
Results. To satisfy the growing need of the society for information on all the aspects of the court systm activities it is necessary to further develop the State automatic system “Pravosudie (Justice)”, to introduce arbitration courts into the uniform information space. The courts are taking part in a major program of IT development, bu the problem of people’s access to the judicial authorities still remains topical.
Conclusions. The judicial system must be more public. Provision of people’s access to justice and maintenance of its maximal openness and transparency, realization of the principle of independence and objectivity of court decision making are the main directions of further development of the judicial system.
Key words |
information, information technology, judicial system, e-justice.
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References |
1. Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF [Collection of RF legislation]. 2012, no. 40 (1 Oct.), art. 5474.
2. Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF [Collection of RF legislation]. 2008, no. 52 (part 1) (29 Dec.), art. 6217.
3. Andrianova V. V. Pravovoy rezhim informatsii v konstitutsionnom i munitsipal'nom
prave: monogr. [Legal order of information in constitutional and municipal law: monograph]. Moscow: Yurkompani, 2010.
4. Rossiyskaya gazeta [Russian newspaper]. 2012, no. 292 (19 Dec.).
5. Postanovlenie Prezidiuma Soveta sudey RF ot 21.06.2010 № 229 [The decree of the RF Judicial Council Presidium from 21/06/2010 №229]. “ConsultantPlus” reference system.
Дата создания: 10.10.2015 13:53
Дата обновления: 10.10.2015 14:55